Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Napoleon & Big Green Egg Class

When: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Class Time: 6:00-8:30 pm
Cost: $35.00 Must Preregister
Where: Pennwood Showroom

- Potato Nacho's w/pulled pork
- Vegetables and cream sauce
- Grilled Peruvian-ish Cauliflower steaks with Portabello Mushrooms
- Seafood Gumbo
- Baby Back Ribs (Grilled in 1 hour)
- Brisket Burgers
- Dessert 

The class will cover ingredients, prepping, grill set upon grills used. We will
go over cooking with lump charcoal and how simple it is to grill, bake, and
smoke on a Primo ceramic cooker. The Green Egg can smoke in the 200 degree
range or can be easily cranked up to sear those steaks at over 600 degrees. The
Napoleon gas grills are much different then most gas grills. You will see how
they can slow cook to searing steaks at up to 1800 degrees. They are built with
some of the longest lasting materials for grills on the market. Everyone knows
ribs should be done low and slow but we will demonstrate doing ribs hot and
fast and still have a great eating rib.